2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog
TUE 16
Got Contracts? 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Contracts Law Refresher: Join us for a lively discussion and interactive course regarding contract law and what you need to know to address contractual
What Becomes of Our Younger Ones? OFFSITE — ROCKVILLE 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
issuesbeforeheadingtothebench. Coordinator: Judge Karla N. Smith Faculty: TBA Want Bail? 1:00 P.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Impact Criminal Cases 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Anold favorite: three judges, including two from the Court of Special Appeals, identify andanalyzerecentand importantcriminal lawandprocedural decisionsfromMaryland'sappellatecourts. Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Douglas R. M. Nazarian Faculty: Judge Julie R. Rubin; Judge E. Gregory Wells Evidence in Criminal Cases 1:00 P.m. – 4:00 p.m. This coursewill reviewnewdevelopments (case law, statutory, technological) that affect evidence issues in criminal trials, recurring issues that present difficulties in resolution, and practical considerations in handling of evidence issues in the courtroom. We will analyze case scenarios that provide an opportunitytograpplewiththeseissues. Coordinator/Faculty: Judge W. Michel Pierson Faculty: Judge Jennifer B. Schiffer; Professor David Jaros A Comprehensive Overview of MD's Juvenile Forensic Services. Areyoucuriousabout commonchildandadolescent psychiatric conditions? Have you heard about Spring Grove Hospital's Adolescent Unit and want to learn more? Do you wonder how a Maryland Department of Health (MDH) evaluator forms an opinion about a juvenile's competency to proceed? Do you want to know what the Facility for Children is, and what services they provide? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, this course is for you. From pretrial to disposition, this course will explore MDH's system for court- involvedyouth. Enrollment Max: 12 Coordinator/Faculty: Amanda R. Square, MD, MPH Faculty: Michael T. Guilbault, Ph.D.; Justine Bradshaw, Psy.D.; Justin Leak, Psy.D.; Dionna M. Joseph, LCPC THU 11
Inthis 1/2daysessionwewill exploreMarylandlaws involvingsetting and reviewing bail and explore the political and legal issues of bail as a means to keeping our communities safe while ensuring access to justiceandfairandequaltreatmentunderthelaw. Coordinator: Judge Catherine C. O’Malley Faculty: Judge David B. Aldouby
THU 18
Impact of Stress, Trauma, & the Adversarial Process on Families 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Day in and day out, in our courts across the state, high conflict custody cases are tried in an adversarial process that drains resources and adds stress to families already traumatized and suffering from the conflict. Too often, the process does little to address behavioral problems that caused the conflict and continues adding stress to families, especially children unable to protect themselves. Behavioral Science teaches us that stress is harmful to thedevelopingchildbrain, potentiallycausing long-termdamage. Thiscoursewilladdressthebehavioralsciencerelatedtotheimpact of stressandtraumaonthedevelopingchild'sbrain.Wewill explore how judges can make the process less adversarial; focusing more on the therapeutic solutions that will help to eliminate child stress andprotect childrenembroiled inthe lawatno faultof theirown. Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Ronald A. Silkworth (Ret.) Faculty: Judge Stacy W. McCormack; Judge J. Michael Wachs TheFamilyCourt docket: Some love it. Some would prefer to love it from afar. In addition to providing practical tips and pointers for the Judiciary’s newest members of our judicial family, the facultywill focus on updates to statutory, procedural, and judicial authority. This course will review important issues concerning divorce, alimony, marital property, childcustodyandaccess, useof best interest attorneys, childsupport,andtheparentingplans. Coordinator: Judge Cynthia Callahan Faculty: Judge Fred S. Hecker; Magistrate Holly A. Whittier; Christopher W. Roberts, Esq. THU 25 Family Law Update 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Judicial College of Maryland
Remote Course
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