2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog
Judicial Education Annual Required Continuing Education The Court of Appeals considers the continuing education of Maryland’s judges and magistrates to be of critical importance. Each sitting judge, magistrate, senior judge, and Orphans’ Court judge is required to complete 12 hours of continuing judicial education annually per the Administrative Order on Continuing Education of Judges, Magistrates and Commissioners, effective June 6, 2016. Records of completed hours are maintained by the Registrar’s Office of the Judicial College of Maryland. With prior approval, continuing judicial education courses conducted by outside institutions may substitute for Judicial College of Maryland, Judicial Education courses to satisfy the annual continuing education requirement. Requests must be submitted, with course documentation, to the Chair of the Education Committee through the Office of the Assistant Administrator of the Judicial College prior to the program. Attendance Policies Live Training: Arriving 30minutes after the start of class or departing 30minutes prior to the end of class will disqualify the participant from receiving course credit. Virtual Training: To earn credit for an online learning experience, participantsmust attend the entire session. A 10-minute grace period is allotted to accommodate for unexpected delays or early departure. Reasonable Accommodation The Administrative Office of the Courts is committed to ensuring individuals with disabilities have the opportunity to fully participate in our programs. If you need an accommodation, please contact the Judicial College at 410-260-3660 or use the Maryland Relay Service (TT/Voice) at 711. Cancelling Class Registration Tomaintainaccurate recordsandto facilitateeach judge’sandmagistrate’s satisfactionof theannual continuing education requirement, it is incumbent upon each judge and magistrate to notify their administrative judge and the Judicial College in advance (or as soon as practicable in exigent circumstances), if they are unable to attend a course for which they are registered. A judge or magistrate who takes administrative leave and fails to attend and complete, in full, a Judicial College of Maryland course for which they are registered, without good cause, may be charged a day of annual leave. A judge or magistrate must make up a missed class during the current year. At the end of each calendar year, an attendance report is submitted to all chief judges and to the judge or magistrate’s administrative judge. Class Size Until further notice and in light of the current need for social distancing, most Judicial Education classes have a maximum enrollment of 30 participants. Remote learning will have a maximum of 55 participants. The majority of field trips will have a maximum enrollment of 12 participants.
Questions concerning class registration or the attendance policy should be directed to the Judicial College Registrar at educationregistrar@mdcourts.gov or 410-260-3573.
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