2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog

T H E Y ' R E B A C K ! Lunchtime Webinars

This LunchtimeWebinar Program can count toward six (6) of your required continuing education hours. There will be fifteen (15) webinars offered fromFebruary through December in 2021. Youmust attend at least six (6) webinars to receive the six (6) credit hours. Each webinar provides 60minutes of substantive content. There are fifteen (15) webinars being offered, and youmust initially register for six (6). If youmiss any webinars, you can register for any of the remaining webinars as many times as necessary to secure your six (6) hours. PleaseNote: If you only attend five (5) or fewer webinars, youwill not receive any credit hours andwill need to complete your (twelve) 12 required hours by attending onsite classes. All webinarswill be held from12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. on select Fridays.

From Pasadena to Paris: What You Need to Know About Custody Cases with an International Twist with Melissa A. Kucinski, Esq. &Michael S. Coffee, Esq. Crisis Response 2021: A Collaborative & Therapeutic Alternative with Jennifer Corbin and Lt. Steven Thomas

February 12 February 19

March 12

Affidavit Judgments with Judge Wayne A. Brooks

Truancy Courts & Programs – Helping Students Make the Connection: Attendance Matters for Success in School & Life with Judge Ronald A. Silkworth (Ret.) & Judge Karen A. Murphy Jensen DV Reimagined: Remote Processing, Best Practices, & How to Move Forward with Judge James H. Green & Judge Ada E. Clark-Edwards The Future of DNA Post-Conviction Claims with Judge Robert Taylor, Jr. Statistics for Judges: What You Need to KnowWhen Math Breaks Out In Your Courtroom with Dr. Hariharan (Hari) K. Iyer & Dr. Steven P. Lund

March 26

April 9 May 14

June 4

June 11 July 30

The DCM of ADR with Judge Danielle M. Mosley &Maureen A. Denihan, Esq.

Talk Less, Smile More: Navigating Rent Court…Maybe Without a Duel! with Judge Catherine Chen

September 3

QDRO &Military Pensions with Emily Woodward Deutsch, Esq.

September 17 Maryland Attorneys’ Fees with Judge Mark F. Scurti October 8

Competency & NCRs: Nuts & Bolts Considerations for the Courtroom with Judge Marina L. Sabett

October 22

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act with Colonel Michael G. Comeau

The Subject Formerly Known as Bail Review: Considerations in Pretrial Release & Detention with Judge Stacy A. Mayer

November 5 December 3

Legal/Medical Aspects of Lead Paint & Asbestos with Judge Shannon E. Avery

2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog


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