2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog
MDEC: Odyssey and Judge Edition in Chambers and on the Bench This one-day, face-to-face course is designed to provide judges, senior judges, andmagistrates with the skills essential to accessing critical case information throughOdyssey and Judge Edition. Through hands-on training and personalized instruction, this course provides an overviewof Odyssey casemanagement navigation, strategies for reviewing case files electronically through Odyssey and Judge Edition, and the use of Odyssey task queues and document annotation tools. After completing this course, participants will be able to: • Reviewcasesummaries, details, anddocuments inOdysseyand JudgeEdition • Viewelectroniccasefileswhileconductinghearings • Access and bookmark vital documents in Judge Edition • Navigate to and filter Odyssey task queues to reviewfilings • Sign and annotate documents electronically and send items to clerks for docketing eWarrant: StreamliningWarrants with DocuSign This one-hour webinar steps through the new, streamlined eWarrant process using DocuSign software. Judges will learn to easily viewand signwarrants electronically using this efficient and user-friendly application. After completing this webinar, participants will be able to: • Recognize and access DocuSign software • Configure a DocuSign profilewith an electronic signature, initials, and title • Reviewand sign electronic warrants MDEC: Conquering Task Queues and Document Annotations Gain newefficiencies in navigatingOdyssey task queues and working tasks. This webinar explores options for navigating through cases, tasks, and documents. Task steps coveredwill include signing and annotating documents, generating and relating a new document fromOdyssey forms, andmoving a task to another department’s queue. After completing this webinar, participants will be able to: • Navigate task queues, tasks, and related documents • Annotate and sign documents • Assign tasks within chambers andmove tasks to other queues
Shining a Light on the DarkWeb What is the darkweb andwhy is it important for our judges to be aware of it? The DarkWeb is a facet of the internet that is not indexed by search engines and is used by individuals to access websites, content, products, and information otherwise blocked by governments and organizations. The DarkWeb is well known for its criminal use, while having a legitimate purpose as well. After completing this webinar, participants will be able to: • Recognize various terms, information, and products found on the DarkWeb • Identify internet browsers and tools used to access theDarkWeb • Describe howCryptocurrency and Bitcoin is being used as a type of currency for transactions on theweb • Use knowledge gained fromthis coursewhen facedwith cases involving the DarkWeb Social Media and the Law Our technology-driven society and use of social media hasmade its way into our courts in the formof evidence. What are themost popular social media platforms? Howare they being introduced as evidence that become part of the record, entering into judicial deliberations? This one-hour webinar for judges andmagistrates answers these questions andmore. Join us as we explore Social Media and the Law, exploring these questions as well as social media cybercrimes. After completing this webinar, participants will be able to: • Recognize popular social media platforms • Identify common uses of social media • Describe how social mediamay be introduced as evidence
Technology Education
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courses do not count towards the required twelve (12) Continuing Education credit hours.
2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog
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