2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog
T R A I N I N G O F TRAINERS The Judicial College of Maryland provides opportunities for its esteemed and prospective faculty to hone their skills in teaching the adult learner and in their classroom platform skills. Join us to learn the tips, tricks, and best practices for teaching adults. F R I D A Y S March 26, June 25, & October 15 9:00 am — 4:00 pm This one-day Training of Trainers (TOT) is offered by the Judicial College. It provides foundational training on the four learning styles of the adult learner, how adults learn best, and strategies for engaging the adult learner. This TOT pairs well with the two-day course offered by Professional Development. Presenting Like a Pro does not count toward the required Continuing Education credit hours . T U E S D A Y S & W E D N E S D A Y S Professional Development Two-day Presenting Like A Pro provides an in-depth training on platform skills (classroom teaching skills), and involves preparing a lesson, teaching it, and being video-taped to give and receive feedback by colleagues as part of honing your classroom platform skills as an instructor.
COURSE Of fer i ngs
Abatement Anyone ? OC 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
In terms of wills and estates, associated certain costs and debts will
be collected after the decedent’s death. From creditors’ claims to bequests for family members, the finances of the estate play a major role in how the process will develop. Estates that are too small in value may not be able to cover all of these financial obligations while still accounting for beneficiary bequests. Anytime the bequests exceed the assets, abatement will occur. This course will help you confidently navigate these situations tomake sound decisions when they arise. Coordinator: Judge Wendy A. Cartwright Faculty: TBA Elective Share of Surviving Spouse: An Introduction to the New Statute OC 1:00 P.m. – 4:00 p.m. Thinking of disinheriting your spouse? Thought it was as simple as leaving your spouse out of the will and naming joint owners to your property? Not so fast and not any more. The statute has been amended so that the elective share is no longer a simple fraction of the probate estate. Learn what assets make up the augmented estate and how to calculate the new elective share. Study the factors to consider when an heir or joint property owner disputes a spouse’s election. “Til death do us part” may not be viewed the same. Judges from all court levels are encouraged to register for this class. Coordinator: Judge Athena Malloy Groves Faculty: Jonathan G. Lasley, Esq.; Kelly M. Preteroti, Esq.
Apri l 20 – 21 OR October 26 – 27
Judicial College of Maryland
Remote Course
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