2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog

THU 15

Knowledge is Power: Examining Access to Justice Through a Poverty Lens 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Impact of Parental Incarceration on Children 1:00 P.m. – 4:00 p.m.

More than5million childrenhavehadaparentwho livedwith themgo to jail or prison. Childrenwhohavehadaparent go to prisonhavebeenfoundtobevulnerabletoahostofdeleterious health and educational outcomes. Parental incarceration has been identified as one of the ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experience) thatcanimpactachild’sdevelopmentandlifelong health concerns. And while we consider the best interests of the child in most other aspects of the law, it has largely been absent inthecriminal lawarena. Learnmoreabout the impact of parental incarceration on children andwhat can be done to reducetheharm. Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Cathy Hollenberg Serrette Faculty: Ebony Underwood, Founder/CEO of We Got Us Now, Inc.

Livinginpovertyimpactseveryaspectofhowalitigantapproaches their courtroom experience. Come ready to participate in an interactive course that will examine how living as a low-income individual in Maryland affects a client’s effective participation in the court process. The instructors will examine the potential role of implicit bias within different sectors of the judicial system. Attendees will understand how courtroom personnel and members of the Judiciary can take active steps to be aware of systemic poverty's influence on the behavior of participants and outcomes of civil legal cases. Discussion will focus on civil legal areas such as expungement, consumer law, family law, child welfare, housing and public benefits. Come ready for interactive anonymous quizzes, breakout discussion groups, a poverty simulation, and real life experiences to be shared in an environmentripeforlearningandgrowth. Coordinator/Faculty: Amy L. Petkovsek, Esq. Faculty: Anthony H.Davis, II, Esq.; WilhelmH. Joseph, Jr., Esq.; Erica I. LeMon, Esq.; Bobbie G. Steyer, Esq.

Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

John Dewey


Join Baltimore City Circuit Judge and FLU coordinator, Audrey Carrión and the esteemed faculty of Family Law University (FLU) for three intensive days of substantive law on divorce, marital property, custody, parental access, protective orders, alimony, and child support. If you are a new judge or magistrate who hears family law cases, this is your opportunity to review the core concepts of family law with other judges, magistrates, experienced practitioners, and mental health providers. If you are a veteran judge heading into a family division or a judge or magistrate who needs to polish up your family law skills, this program will build on your experience, bring you up to date on new laws, and provide practical tools to help you resolve disputes.

Enrollment Max If Held Onsite: 25 Coordinator: Judge Audrey J. S. Carrión

2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog

Off-Site Course 17

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