2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog
Being on Top of Your Game — Health General 8-507 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. This course will provide an energetic and exhaustive review of the Health General 8-505
Civil Motions & Practices 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
and 8-507 process for judges who have defendants before them in need of inpatient or outpatient care. Health General 8-507 is a critically important tool in the sentencing arsenal of non-drug court trial judges who handle 95 percent of defendants needing behavioral health support coming before the courts. In this course, judges will learn of the importance of their active role, not only in determining who is eligible for this treatment but also for implementing the treatment in an appropriate way ensuring the essential need for "continuity of care" and "continuity of supervision." Learn from experienced judges who have successfully used the process, behavioral science experts who will explain the science of addiction, and defendants who have faced the enormously difficult task of overcominganaddiction. Coordinators/Faculty: Judge George M. Lipman (Ret.); Judge Ronald A. Silkworth (Ret.);
Civil motions often seem so uncivil! This course will explore the management of civilmotionspracticeintheCircuitCourt.The programwill emphasize pragmatic approaches, withtipsforhandlingbothhighvolume,commonmotionsand complexmatters.
Coordinators: Judge Kathleen G. Cox Faculty: Judge Ruth A. Jakubowski Best Practices: Jury Management 1:00 P.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Lights,camera,action!Areyoureadyforthespotlight?Amovie has many different players involved before the final release. Butwhen it comes tomanaginga jury, fromvoirdiretoverdict, andeverything else inbetween, the judge is thedirector, actor, screenwriter, and editor. You may know how to manage a jury but do you know how to do it effectively, efficiently, and seamlessly? If youarenewat jurymanagement,want tocheck yourself against best practices, or need guidance on handling jurors in high-profile cases, this course is just what you need. Joinus aswe explore recent case-lawdevelopment pertaining to jury questions, issues tobe aware of withhigh-profile cases, and guidelines for managing the jury process and jurors with competence and confidence! Once you take this course, you willhaveafive-starratingwithallyourjurytrials! Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Yolanda L. Curtin Faculty: Judge Jan M. Alexander
TUE 11
Because I Say I Am: Expert Testimony in the Courtroom 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
While there are many factors to consider when vetting an expertwitnessincivilandcriminalcases,theultimatequestion is whether the expert’s testimony will be admissible in court. The Court’s determination of the admissibility of an expert’s testimony can have a tremendous effect on the outcome of a case. Your experienced faculty will walk you through everything you need to know to handle expert witnesses and their testimonywith confidence. Through a series of practical, immersive applications, you will strengthen your skills and identifythepotentialpitfallstoavoidwithexpertwitnesses. Coordinator: Judge Robert K. Taylor, Jr. Faculty: TBA
The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.
John F. Kennedy
Judicial College of Maryland
Remote Course
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