2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog
THU 10
Knowledge is Power 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Living in poverty impacts every aspect of how a litigant approaches their courtroom
How Do I Handle These? Post-Conviction Matters from the Bench 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
experience. Comeready toparticipate inan interactivecourse that will examine how living as a low-income individual in Maryland affects a client’s effective participation in the court process. The instructors will examine the potential role of implicit bias within different sectors of the judicial system. Attendeeswill understand how courtroom personnel and members of the Judiciary can take active steps to be aware of systemic poverty's influence on the behavior of participants and outcomes of civil legal cases. Discussion will focus on civil legal areas such as expungement, consumer law, family law, child welfare, housing and public benefits. Come ready for interactive anonymous quizzes, breakout discussion groups, a poverty simulation, and real life experiences tobesharedinanenvironmentripeforlearningandgrowth. Coordinator/Faculty: Amy L. Petkovsek, Esq. Faculty: Anthony H.Davis, II, Esq.; WilhelmH. Joseph, Jr., Esq.; Erica I. LeMon, Esq.; Bobbie G. Steyer, Esq.
Thispresentationwillincludeanoverviewofeffectivetechniques for organized resolution of Petitions for Post-Conviction Relief; will address jurisdictional requirements and procedural defects relating to Petitions for Post-Conviction relief; will review substantive allegations, including ineffective assistance of counsel; and will examine relevant law and procedural issues in Writ of Error Coram Nobis petitions and Petitions for Writ of Actual Innocence. Coordinator : Judge Brenda A. Sexton Faculty: Judge Robert K. Taylor, Jr.; Initia Lettau, Esq.; Michael P. Lytle, Esq.
Writing for Magistrates: How to Keep Exceptions from Being Sustained 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
THU 17
The Attorney Grievance Commission: Disciplinary Proceeding Process & Case Law 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
A, B, C. Accuracy, Brevity, Clarity. When not in court, magistrates spendmost of their timewriting reports and recommendations. This course aims to bolster and improve your ABCwriting skills. We will review how to accurately and concisely find facts and organize this information into a cogent and clear report. Our faculty will share insight on common mistakes and how to avoidthem.So,sharpenyourpencilsandpleasejoinus! Coordinator/Faculty: Magistrate Julie A. Minner Faculty: Judge Bethamy N. Beam; Judge Patrick L. Woodward (Ret.)
The course will cover the responsibilities of a “Hearing Judge,” including the duties of conducting a disciplinary hearing and the components of a hearing judge’s opinion. The faculty will review commonly violated Maryland Attorneys’ Rules of Professional Conduct(MARPC)andrelevantcaselaw.Tohelpbestprepare,inthe spring, participants will receive a request for questions prior to the classthatmaybeaddressedbythefacultyduringtheprogram. Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Shirley M. Watts Faculty: Judge Melissa K. Copeland; Lydia E. Lawless, Esq. Medical Malpractice 1:00 P.m. – 4:00 p.m. Medicalmalpracticecasesandtrialspresentspecialissuesrelating to procedures, medical terminology, privileges, experts —and all in what is usually an emotionally charged human situation. This course will make you familiar with the law that is applicable in thesecases and thespecial procedural andevidentiary issues that willarise. Coordinator/Faculty: Andrew G. Slutkin, Esq. Faculty: M. Natalie McSherry, Esq.
TUE 22
If You’re Suffering from the COVID Blues... 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
...take a dose of best practices in cases claiming money is due. In percentage terms, debt collection casesmay be thenumber one type of civil matter heard and considered throughout the District Courts. This coursewill explore thenuances of this areaof the law, provide youwith food for thought, and suggest best practices both inside and outside of the courtroom. Through a very interactive session,youwillbetakenonajourneyfromthefilingofcasestothe satisfactionofjudgments.Courseinstructorswilldiscusspre-,post, and trial issues, including factors to consider before issuing a body attachment, vacatinga judgment, rulingonamotionforalternate service, or considering a request for judgment-garnishment. Three impactful,informative,andinsightfulhoursofnon-stopaction. Coordinator: Judge Bruce E. Friedman Faculty: Judge Norman R. Stone
Judicial College of Maryland
Remote Course
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