2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog
TUE 22
Replevin & Detinue 1:00 P.m. – 4:00 p.m.
THU 15
Oh, The Places You’ll Go: Overview of Juvenile Detention
Seems pretty simple, right? When someone takes possession of another person’s property and refuses to return it, the owner haslegalrecoursethroughtwotypesofactionsintheMaryland court system: Replevin and Detinue. Join us for this half-day classwherewerefreshourselvesonMarylandRules12-601and 12-602.Ourexperiencedfacultywillhelpshakeofftherustand reintroduceyoutoyouroldpals replevinanddetinuebywayof practical tips and tricks, interactive hypothetical practice, and
& Treatment Centers OFFSITE — LONACONING 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Once you commit a youth, where do they go? This course will answer that and more! Participants will “experience” a day inside a Department of Juvenile Services (DJS) facility, which will include a “talk show” presentation from DJS. This course is designed to enhance your knowledge onhowDJS evaluates youth, determines placement options, and what the different placement options are. This includes treatment placements foryouthwithsubstanceabuseissuesandthere-entryprocess. This course will also provide recommended language for commitmentorderstoachievethedesiredlevelofcare. Enrollment Max: 12 Coordinator/Faculty: Magistrate Stephanie P. Porter Faculty: Magistrate Erica J. Wolfe; Betsy F. Tolentino, Assistant Secretary, Department Of Juvenile Services
bothsmallandlargegroupdiscussions. Coordinator: Judge Nicole E. Taylor Faculty: TBA
Training of Trainers: Faculty Development Workshop 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
FRI 25
One-Day Training of Trainers (TOT) that provides foundational training on the four learning styles of the adult learner, how adultslearnbest,andstrategiesforengagingtheadultlearner. Coordinator/Faculty: Stacey A. Saunders, Assistant State Court Administrator, Judicial College of Maryland Faculty: Judicial College Leadership
TUE 20
Treatment &Behavioral Health: What Judges Need to Know! OFFSITE — CROWNSVILLE 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
This participatory course will include an insider's tour of the Gaudenzia Crownsville Residential Treatment Facility. What is it really likeonthe insideof residential drug treatment?How effective is residential treatment? How long does it take for an effective residential treatment experience? How do you determine who is amenable for residential treatment? What is aftercareandhowimportant is it to the long termsuccessof short/longtermresidentialtreatment?Thiscoursewilladdress the role of the Judge in approving andmonitoring the success orfailureofresidentialtreatment.Theprinciplesofsciencethat require "continuity of care and supervision" will be discussed and emphasized. It will enable Judges to better understand and support defendants who participate in residential treatment. Judges will see peer-to-peer discussions about the experience of residential treatment and the management of theaddicted individual during residential treatment, including theimportanceofaftercare. Enrollment Max: 12 Coordinator/Faculty: Judge George M. Lipman (Ret.); Judge Stacy W. McCormack Faculty: Judge J. Michael Wachs; Kristy E. Blalock, LCPC-S, LCADAS
TUE 13
How Not to Get Reversed 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Most of us have been there. Busy courts. Toomanycases.Contentiouslitigants.Not enough time to keep up on every appellate decision. This course will explore trial court
errors that sometime leadtoreversal, andprovidesuggestions toavoidthatunwelcomemandate“JudgmentReversed.” Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Donald E. Beachley Faculty: Judge Stuart R. Berger
Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education. Martin Luther King, Jr.
2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog
Off-Site Course 21
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