2021 Judicial Education Course Catalog
THU 19 A U G U S T
Impact Civil Cases OFFSITE — WYE MILLS 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Landlord/Tenant: Sifting Through Rent Escrow 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. This course will begin with basic landlord-
Can't get enough of the Appellate Court stuff? An old but relevant favorite: A trio
tenant law as it relates to rent escrow actions, discussing the elementsofarentescrowactionandthelawthatsupportsthose elements.Often, landlordsand/or tenantsareself-represented in rent escrow actions. This class will cover effective strategies to assist the court in handling self-represented litigants and the procedural options available once a rent escrow assertion is raised. The final portion of the class will be devoted to a discussion of the numerousmethods of resolution that can be utilizedonce findingsof facthavebeenmade. Coordinator: Judge Keith D. Pion Faculty: Judge Bryon S. Bereano; Judge Mark F. Scurti Rent Escrow or Not? That is the Question 1:00 P.m. – 4:00 p.m. This course is designed to uncover the mysteries and complexities of rent escrow proceedings in the District Court. Judges will hear from experts as to what conditions in a home may constitute a serious threat of life, health, and safety. What isgoodversusbadmold(andhowtodistinguishthedifference)? What are the various proper methods to abate a mold issue once identified? Learnabout vermin, particularly bedbugs and rats, and the properway to treat these conditions. Identify best practices for handling escrow cases fromacross the state. This programisdesignedtobeveryinteractiveandhopefullywillnot leaveyouwiththe feeling thatbugsarecrawlingall over you! Coordinator: Judge Mark F. Scurti Faculty: Kathleen Byrne, Esq.; C. Matthew Hill, Esq.; Kathy Kelly Howard, Esq.
of appellate judges catch you up on recent, important civil cases from the Court of Appeals and Court of Special Appeals. Coordinator: Judge Kevin F. Arthur Faculty: Judge Jonathan Biran; Judge E. Gregory Wells How Do you Spell Civil Evidence?
One Case at a Time OFFSITE — WYE MILLS 1:00 P.m. – 4:00 p.m.
We’ve all been there. An inartful evidence objection is made following an equally inartful witness examination. You make your ruling and hope you understood what the heck the issue was. This course will examine commonly confused and misapplied evidence rules to ensure that you are well- prepared tomake informed, clear rulings andwon’t fall victim tomuddled lawyering. Get it right, help your jury, and protect yourrecord.Voila! Coordinator/Faculty: Judge Larry Fletcher-Hill Faculty: TBA
NTJO Residential Program is held annually. This five-and-a-half day Program gives newly-appointed judges the foundational tools they need to be successful when serving on the bench. The program includes break- out sessions with judicial experts, field trips, networking sessions, and health evaluations.
Judicial College of Maryland
Remote Course
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